New Claims App update gives you the full house

1 Aug

Earlier in the year, we introduced our new Motor Claims App, the first of its kind in Wales. Exclusive to Thomas Carroll business and personal clients, our App was designed to help you report motoring accidents quickly, at any time of day.

Fast-forward a few months and we are excited to announce that you can now also report property accidents and workplace liability incidents through our Claims App. Head of Claims, Helen Love said:

“Following the successful launch and client feedback of our Motor Claims App, I’m delighted that we are adding the ability to report property and liability claims. We are committed to continuously improving our claims service and hope that this latest update assures our clients that we are ‘with you every step of the way.”

An accident, whether that is at home, in work or while on the road can happen at any point. Speed is of the essence following an incident and it’s vital to collate your evidence and information and send it promptly to your broker or insurer. Our Claims App gives you a 24/7 platform to speedily report a claim from the convenience of your smartphone, allowing insurers the opportunity to control the costs of your claim and mitigate impact on your premium.

Safe as houses

You can now notify your property manager or Thomas Carroll of a claim as soon as an incident takes place. A series of 10 short questions, created to guide you at an often worrying time, will record the time, date and nature of the damage to your property. You can also take and upload photos of any damage to support your claim. This not only helps insurers progress your claim more efficiently but also serves to recover costs from a third-party if necessary.

Workplace safety

In addition to motor and property accidents, you can now also use our Claims App to capture workplace liability incidents. Designed to aid supervisors and health & safety managers, the App guides you through a series of 12 questions and prompts you to take photographs of the scene, witness details and their evidence as well as considerations for RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). Captured early, this evidence can be crucial to Claims Defensibility.

Download the App today

You can download the Thomas Carroll Claims App from the App Store for iOS devices or Google Play for Android. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our claims team on 02920 853788 or at