Last month, our CEO Rhys Thomas embarked on a challenging 5-day trek of the Helambu region of Nepal in aid of Velindre. Rhys was joined on the trek by his wife, Michelle, who has experienced a personal battle with cancer.
Velindre, a specialist cancer treatment centre in South Wales, has provided care and support for cancer patients and their families for over 60 years. Donations to Velindre, including the money raised as a result of the trek, are used to fund things over and above what the NHS provide, and so fundraising really does make a difference.
What did the trek involve?
Led by Velindre patron, Rhod Gilbert, 50 volunteers trekked through the idyllic kingdom of Nepal with the goal of raising over £250,000 for Velindre.
Nepal is set amongst the world’s highest mountains, largely without roads and access is limited to ancient trails linking isolated villages. The volunteers travelled through Kathmandu, Sundarijal, Chisso Pani, Gul Bhanjang, Ichok, Tarkeghyang and Thimbu, spending up to 8 hours on their feet each day. This is what Rhys had to say about the challenge:
“We have been hit too hard by cancer at Thomas Carroll. Most, if not all of our affected colleagues and their families will have received support, treatment and care at Velindre. We are very fortunate in South Wales to have this advanced and amazing place on our doorstep. I wanted to give back and support some very special people. It was an experience that will live long in the memory. It was emotionally and physically challenging but without doubt a wonderful experience.”
Not ones to miss an opportunity to give back, we were also busy fundraising at Thomas Carroll. This included a charity gig night where talented members of the team, also known as ‘The Covernotes’, took to the stage to perform a number of well-known favourites. In addition, we held a ‘Scrums and Samosas’ evening, where friends, family members and business contacts gathered for stories from Welsh rugby legends Steve Fenwick, Brynmor Williams and Robert Jones.
Rhys and Michelle set themselves the challenge of raising £10,000 together. However, we are pleased to announce that they surpassed their target and more than doubled the amount that they set out to raise.
Everyone at Thomas Carroll would like to say a big well done to Rhys and Michelle for this amazing achievement!
It’s not too late to donate. If you would like to donate, please visit Rhys or Michelle’s Just Giving pages.