Wealth Management: Market Update November 2021

2 Dec

The latest financial markets update from Thomas Carroll’s Wealth Management team, in conjunction with our research partner, Square Mile, is here.

Last week saw UK inflation surging to its highest level for a decade, hitting 4.2% in October. This was both higher than the markets expected and more than twice the Bank of England’s (the Bank) target of 2%.

It looks as if soaring energy and fuel prices are pushing up the cost of living, and families were warned of a “painful’ rise in the cost of living this winter. The figures also showed sharp rises in inflation across food, hospitality and household goods as supply chain disruption took its toll.

Read our full market update below:

Have Any Questions?

If you need advice, our Wealth Management team are on hand to help. Please contact Craig Butler on 02920 853750 or at craig.butler@thomas-carroll.co.uk.