More than a quarter of all road traffic incidents involve someone who is driving for work purposes. However, many organisations are unaware that health and safety law applies to driving (except commuting, unless drivers are travelling from their home to somewhere which is not their usual place of work) on the road, in the same way as it does to all other work activities.
Asking yourself the following questions will help you manage work-related road safety effectively.
Safe Driver
- Are your drivers competent and capable of doing their work in a way that is safe for them and other people?
- Are your drivers properly trained?
- Do you ensure your drivers have clear instructions about how to keep themselves safe while on the road?
- Are your drivers sufficiently fit and healthy to drive safely and not put themselves or others at risk?
- Do you know your duties under health and safety law when employing contractors and subcontractors?
Safe Vehicle
- Are vehicles fit for the purpose for which they are used?
- Are vehicles maintained in a safe and fit condition?
- Are you sure that your drivers’ health, and possibly safety, is not being put at risk, e.g. from an inappropriate seating position or driving posture?
Safe Journey
- Do you plan routes thoroughly?
- Are work schedules realistic?
- Do you allow enough time to complete journeys safely?
- Do you consider poor weather conditions, such as snow or high winds when planning journeys?
Want to learn more?
For further information, please visit
If you have a question relating to the above or another employment law issue, please contact our employment law team on 02920 853794 or email